The weather in the Moseltal in Germany is normally so hot in the Summer that it is impossible to work outside with any painting medium involving water - so I work with coloured pencils instead.
First I sketch out the landscape with an ordinary graphite pencil, then I go over the original drawing using black felt tip drawing pen, next I put in the colour and finally I go over the pen lines again, adding heavier lines in the foreground.
The two pictures above are both in the 'Amphitheatre' of the 'Calmont Klettersteig' - the steepest vineyard in Europe. The 'Klettersteig' part refers to the very steep climb over the slope - this activity is for the brave of heart and the sturdy of limb, so I draw it instead.
The village of Bremm is situated on the foothills of the Calmont and is on the banks of the Mosel River.
Across the river on the opposite bank of this huge meander, is the Kloster Stuben. This ruin was once an Augustinian Convent and was sketched (in it's ruined state) by JMW Turner as he had a boat ride up the river, as you can do today.
Reichsburg, Cochem.
Cochem is a very popular tourist town and is often a stop on the Moselle Cruises - the castle is a lovely part of the landscape - perhaps I could do an etching of it……
Burgruine Metternich. Beilstein an der Mosel.
Alf an der Mosel.
Alf's the village and Merlijn's the holiday barge.